DUI/Impaired Driving Criminal Defence

Criminal defence lawyers in London, Ontario

Charged with Impaired Operation, Over 80, or Refusal? DON’T JUMP INTO A GUILTY PLEA.

Criminal defence lawyers in London, Ontario

Charged with Impaired Operation, Over 80, or Refusal? DON’T JUMP INTO A GUILTY PLEA.

Call or text our urgent line and speak with a lawyer!

Do not jump into a guilty plea. Speak to a lawyer.

Speak with one of our experienced lawyers before giving the police your statement.

Know your rights. The police make mistakes.

Impaired Operation is one of the most complicated offences in the Criminal Code. Complicated means police are more likely to make mistakes.

Get a successful defence team to help avoid a criminal record.

A guilty plea means a criminal record and a driving prohibition.

Talk to us today, We're here to heP

If police are asking you for a statement, it is important you speak with us, or another criminal defence lawyer first! 

Call or text us at 226-984-7637 or fill out the form below

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Not your first Impaired?

There are serious and time-sensitive consequences. This includes mandatory jail sentences, a three-year licence suspension, or worse, a life-time one. 

What is DUI?

“Driving Under the Influence” is a term used in a number of states and Hollywood. Our Criminal Code doesn’t use this terminology.
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